

 2013年クロスフィット・ゲームズ45-49歳の部で3位入賞を果たしたMike Fournierさんが亡くなりました。マイクさんはヘリコプターのパイロットで、現在カリフォルニア州を襲っている大規模山火事の消火活動にあたっていたということです。

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“He was quick with a smile, first bump, and encouraging word. His giant, sweaty bear hugs at the end of every workout were the best. You could feel how much he loved life and people in each and every one of his hugs. He was by far the nicest and kindest person I have ever met.” —Joseph Collins “Mike Fournier was a CrossFit Games Masters athlete who once took 3rd in the masters division at the Games in Carson. He passed away yesterday in a helicopter crash fighting the fires that are going on in California. He leaves behind a wife and two daughters. Rest In Peace Mike. GoFundMe link in my bio.” —Dave Castro You can find the GoFundMe link in our bio as well. — #CrossFitMasters #CrossFit #Fitness #Hero #CrossFitGames

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